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Adjustable Lifting Beam

The Adjustable Lifting Beam is the ideal solution for securely transporting heavy or uneven loads. Robust, slidable lifting points can be moved along the beam to achieve even weight distribution, including loads where the centre of gravity is not centrally positioned. The chains do not need to be adjusted for uneven loads, which reduces the number of test lifts required and manual handling, ensuring a safer, more efficient lifting solution. With a Working Load Limit up to 10,000kg, the Adjustable Lifting Beam is ideal for large or awkward lifts, such as a modular pod installation.




  • Large Working Load Limit for transporting heavy loads.
  • Slidable lifting points ensure uneven loads can be safely lifted.
  • Multiple lifting points handle loads that require a 4-point lift.
  • Handles on the lifting points reduce risk of finger traps.


  • Reduces manual handling, increasing efficiency and safety.
  • Its versatility ensures it can lift a variety of different loads.
  • Reduces the need for additional lifting equipment, saving on rental or purchase costs.
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CA235AA-10000 900mm 430mm 4995mm 500kg 10,000kg 4
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  • A lifting beam for transporting large or awkward loads
  • Robust, slidable lifting points can be moved along the beam for even weight distribution up to 10,000kg
  • Available for purchase and hire
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