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Autolock Blowout Skip

The safe, simple way of facilitating blowout of concrete pump lines. Using the Conquip Autolock Blowout Skip means the left over concrete in the pump line can be transported and used to complete the pour, rather than letting it go to waste.




  • Concrete pump lines can also be cleaned through directly into the concrete washout system and waste water can be reused.
  • Crane lifting points and fork pockets on the skip enable easy manoeuvrability around site.
  • The skip cover also has crane lifting points and fork pockets to easily remove it from the skip.
  • Locking arms to prevent the cover from moving during blowout or transportation.
  • Gas assisted ram ensures automatic locking of the skip to the forks and prevents accidental tipping of the skip.


  • Prevents wastage of excess concrete in pump lines, saving costs.
  • Ensures a safer line cleaning process and reduces the “Splash” and mess of cleaning pipelines out.
  • Robust and sturdy design.
  • Cleaning concrete pump lines out prevents ground contamination, improving project sustainability.
  • Regularly clearing pump lines of any excess concrete prevents blockages from the build up of dry concrete, reducing downtime.
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CS235-01200 1450mm 1925mm 1450mm 3600kg 515kg 1200 litres
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  • The safe, simple way of facilitating blowout of concrete pump lines
  • An attachment to an adapted Autolock Tipping Skip
  • Available for purchase only
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				[{"name":"Alton Office & Depot","lat":"51.15309814255476","lng":"-0.9581505761782921","address":"Conquip Engineering Group, Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate, Alton, Hampshire. GU34 2UD","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Conquip Engineering Group Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Alton-Walk-Around-JUNE-2024-V2.mp4"},{"name":"Stoke-on-Trent Depot","lat":"52.9939118927483","lng":"-2.1529522178194944","address":"Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST4 3ES","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 3ES","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Stoke-Walk-Around-FEB-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Teesside Depot","lat":"54.52865482229032","lng":"-1.3568564015621263","address":"Wass Way, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees. TS16 0RG","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Wass Way Eaglescliffe Stockton-on-Tees TS16 0RG","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Teesside-Walk-Around-DEC-2023.mp4"},{"name":"Taunton Depot","lat":"50.97690361084993","lng":"-3.1963650452373593","address":"Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington, Somerset. TA21 9RF","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington Somerset TA21 9RF","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Taunton-Walk-Around-JAN-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Norwich Depot","lat":"52.44683997380996","lng":"0.8947750260086867","address":"Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich, Norfolk. NR16 2RL","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich Norfolk NR16 2RL","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Norwich-Walk-Around-MAY-2024.mp4"}]