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Excavator Pipe Laying Hook

The Conquip Excavator Pipe Laying Hook is an excavator attachment used for the fast and safe handling of pipe sections. It is ideal for unloading concrete pipe sections from delivery vehicles, transporting them around site and placement in shallow trenches. Available in a range of sizes to site excavators from 13 to 50 tonnes.




  • Rubber stops on the back plate act as a buffer to prevent pipes from breaking when sliding into the back plate.
  • Robust design to withstand regular use.
  • Adjustable hitch plate allows for varying pin centres and sizes.


  • A safer alternative to traditional slinging methods for unloading trucks and removing operators from working at height or in crush zones.
  • The cylindrical design of the 4-tonne size means it can lift pipe with diameters from 300mm.
  • The 8.5-tonne size can lift pipes with diameters from 375mm and has a larger Working Load Limit making it ideal for bulkier pipe sections.
  • Supplied with 65mm and 80mm pins for 13-22 tonne excavators or 90, 100 and 110mm pins, for 30-50 tonne excavators.
  • Concrete pipe sections placed together in shallow trenches, reducing the need for operatives to enter the excavation, improving site safety.
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            [0] => a:3:{s:13:"compatibility";a:6:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Compatibility";s:5:"value";s:49:"13 - 22 tonne excavator | 30 - 50 tonne excavator";s:8:"position";i:0;s:10:"is_visible";i:1;s:12:"is_variation";i:1;s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:0;}s:9:"pin-sizes";a:6:{s:4:"name";s:9:"Pin Sizes";s:5:"value";s:63:"45mm | 50mm | 60mm | 65mm | 80mm | 90mm | 100mm | 110mm | Other";s:8:"position";i:1;s:10:"is_visible";i:1;s:12:"is_variation";i:1;s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:0;}s:15:"hire-purchasing";a:6:{s:4:"name";s:15:"Hire/Purchasing";s:5:"value";s:52:"Hire Only | Purchase Only | Quote me on both options";s:8:"position";i:2;s:10:"is_visible";i:1;s:12:"is_variation";i:1;s:11:"is_taxonomy";i:0;}}

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EA012-04000** 600mm 2910mm 500mm 4000kg 290kg 1800mm 65mm / 80mm 13 - 22 tonne excavator
EA012-08500 750mm 3010mm 690mm 8500kg 400kg 1870mm 90mm / 100mm / 110mm 30 - 50 tonne excavator
*Working Load Limit ** Cylindrical design Note: Please enquire an confirm your pin sizes are correct when placing your order. ) [_specification] => Array ( [0] => field_5d6787385450d ) [usp] => Array ( [0] => Manufactured in the UK ) [_usp] => Array ( [0] => field_5d6787485450e ) [usp_2] => Array ( [0] => Cost-Saving ) [_usp_2] => Array ( [0] => field_5d67874b5450f ) [real_life_Real life image galleryimage_gallery] => Array ( [0] => ) [_real_life_Real life image galleryimage_gallery] => Array ( [0] => field_5d678e9461d6d ) [user_guide] => Array ( [0] => https://cqegroup.com/uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/10/Excavator-Pipe-Laying-Hook-2024-User-Guide-Issue-5.pdf ) [_user_guide] => Array ( [0] => field_5d67c0b2894c6 ) [_yoast_wpseo_primary_product_cat] => Array ( [0] => 4545 ) [_yoast_wpseo_focuskw_text_input] => Array ( [0] => Excavator Pipe Laying Hook ) [_yoast_wpseo_focuskw] => Array ( [0] => Excavator Pipe Laying Hook ) [_yoast_wpseo_title] => Array ( [0] => Excavator Pipe Laying Hook | Excavator Pipe Lifter | Conquip UK ) [_yoast_wpseo_metadesc] => Array ( [0] => Conquip Excavator Pipe Laying Hook is used for the fast and safe handling of pipe sections. Ideal for unloading delivery trucks. Hire or purchase. ) [_yoast_wpseo_linkdex] => Array ( [0] => 58 ) [_yoast_wpseo_content_score] => Array ( [0] => 90 ) [_yoast_wpseo_focuskeywords] => Array ( [0] => [] ) [_video_url] => Array ( [0] => https://vimeo.com/252322135 ) [_video_image_url] => Array ( [0] => 3437 ) [_wp_old_date] => Array ( [0] => 2019-09-11 ) [disable_woothumbs] => Array ( [0] => no ) [_iconic_woothumbs] => Array ( [0] => a:1:{s:9:"video_url";s:27:"https://vimeo.com/646376425";} ) [_last_editor_used_jetpack] => Array ( [0] => classic-editor ) [video_embed] => Array ( [0] => ) [_video_embed] => Array ( [0] => field_6024f3750f70d ) [_yoast_wpseo_keywordsynonyms] => Array ( [0] => [""] ) [_wcrp_related_ids] => Array ( [0] => a:4:{i:0;s:5:"17215";i:1;s:4:"3341";i:2;s:4:"3213";i:3;s:4:"3381";} ) [_searchwp_last_index] => Array ( [0] => 1642672536 ) [_heateor_sss_meta] => Array ( [0] => a:2:{s:7:"sharing";i:0;s:16:"vertical_sharing";i:0;} ) [_price] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_yoast_indexnow_last_ping] => Array ( [0] => 1730906577 ) [depot_locator_show_depot_locator] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_depot_locator_show_depot_locator] => Array ( [0] => field_6607fd5c6cc4c ) [depot_locator_background_colour] => Array ( [0] => #01426a ) [_depot_locator_background_colour] => Array ( [0] => field_6607fd916cc4d ) [depot_locator] => Array ( [0] => ) [_depot_locator] => Array ( [0] => field_6607fd046cc4b ) [choose_accreditation] => Array ( [0] => ) [_choose_accreditation] => Array ( [0] => field_65e1d12a57656 ) [show_accreditation] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_show_accreditation] => Array ( [0] => field_65e1d17c0deed ) [href_lang_x-default] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_href_lang_x-default] => Array ( [0] => field_65840831d974a ) [href_lang_uk] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_href_lang_uk] => Array ( [0] => field_6584083cd974b ) [href_lang_us] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_href_lang_us] => Array ( [0] => field_65840848d974c ) [href_lang_au] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_href_lang_au] => Array ( [0] => field_65840852d974d ) [href_lang_nz] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_href_lang_nz] => Array ( [0] => field_65840862d974e ) [href_lang] => Array ( [0] => ) [_href_lang] => Array ( [0] => field_6584081ed9749 ) [_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [_yoast_wpseo_wordproof_timestamp] => Array ( [0] => ) [user_guide_and_technical_docs] => Array ( [0] => ) [_user_guide_and_technical_docs] => Array ( [0] => field_66b370e65c35a ) [how_to_video] => Array ( [0] => ) [_how_to_video] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84df293d67 ) [product_cards_new_product] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_product_cards_new_product] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84bbb39c0d ) [product_cards_next_day_delivery] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_product_cards_next_day_delivery] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84be539c0e ) [product_cards_for_hire] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [_product_cards_for_hire] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84c0d39c0f ) [product_cards_attachments] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [_product_cards_attachments] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84c2739c10 ) [product_cards_card_list] => Array ( [0] =>
  • An excavator attachment used for fast and safe handling of pipe sections
  • Choose compatibility for 13 to 50 tonne and 65mm to 110mm pin sizes
  • Available for purchase and hire
) [_product_cards_card_list] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84c3239c11 ) [product_cards] => Array ( [0] => ) [_product_cards] => Array ( [0] => field_66c84ba439c0c ) )

Find your nearest depot

				[{"name":"Alton Office & Depot","lat":"51.15309814255476","lng":"-0.9581505761782921","address":"Conquip Engineering Group, Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate, Alton, Hampshire. GU34 2UD","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Conquip Engineering Group Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Alton-Walk-Around-JUNE-2024-V2.mp4"},{"name":"Stoke-on-Trent Depot","lat":"52.9939118927483","lng":"-2.1529522178194944","address":"Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST4 3ES","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 3ES","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Stoke-Walk-Around-FEB-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Teesside Depot","lat":"54.52865482229032","lng":"-1.3568564015621263","address":"Wass Way, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees. TS16 0RG","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Wass Way Eaglescliffe Stockton-on-Tees TS16 0RG","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Teesside-Walk-Around-DEC-2023.mp4"},{"name":"Taunton Depot","lat":"50.97690361084993","lng":"-3.1963650452373593","address":"Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington, Somerset. TA21 9RF","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington Somerset TA21 9RF","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Taunton-Walk-Around-JAN-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Norwich Depot","lat":"52.44683997380996","lng":"0.8947750260086867","address":"Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich, Norfolk. NR16 2RL","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich Norfolk NR16 2RL","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Norwich-Walk-Around-MAY-2024.mp4"}]