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Excavator Lifting Platform

The Excavator Lifting Platform is a large, robust, steel platform with a timber bed, designed to safely transport excavators in and out of tunnels, shafts and other subterranean site locations, such as basement excavations. It features adjustable telescopic I-beams that allow the platform to be transported to and from site without the need to acquire a wide load permit. Load binders and tie-down points ensure the excavator can be secured and ramped access on both sides ensures easy loading and unloading.




  • Ramps at both ends make loading and unloading easier, especially for sites where space is limited.
  • Handles on the telescopic I-beams allow for quick and simple adjustment between transport and lifting positions.
  • Large working load limit of 30,000 kg.
  • Removable pins ensure the telescopic I-beams can be secured under the platform during transport.
  • Designed and manufactured in the UK from high-quality British and European steel.


  • Adjustable telescopic I-beams allow the platform to be transported to and from site without a wide load permit, saving on costs.
  • Much safer and more secure method for moving excavators around site than alternative methods, such as slings, improving site safety.
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CA149-30000 7235mm 3885mm 2975mm 485mm 4500kg 30,000kg


CA149-30000 4215mm 255mm 605mm 2160mm 430kg 35,000kg
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  • A robust platform for safely transporting excavators
  • Lift excavators in and out of tunnels and shafts without a wide load permit
  • Available for purchase and hire
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