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Harringtons Builders


Harringtons Builders plc enhances fuel management and logistics with the Fuel Eco-Hub

ContractorHarringtons Builders plc

LocationLondon, UK


Harringtons Builders Plc, a large, well-established, multi-disciplinary main contractor based in London, UK, manages around 30 construction sites across the country. In late 2022, Harringtons started to adopt Conquip’s Fuel Eco-Hub to enhance fuel management and logistics across some of their sites. With the transition from red to white diesel, fuel prices surged and coincidently, fuel theft became increasingly prevalent. This case study explores how the Fuel Eco-Hub solution has aided this contractor’s fuel management capabilities, increased productivity, improved site logistics by ensuring optimal fuel quantities, and prevented downtime by reducing theft.


Regulatory changes and rising fuel costs

On 1 April 2022, the UK government phased out the use of red diesel in the construction sector, mandating a switch to ‘cleaner’ white diesel as part of their Net Zero strategy. This change was exacerbated by fuel price increases. While the amount of fuel consumed remained constant, the cost per litre increased dramatically, becoming an even more critical number in the organisation’s overall financial performance.

Diesel Regulatory Changes and Increased Costs

In April 2022, the UK government mandated the construction sector to switch from red diesel to white diesel as part of their Net Zero strategy. This change, coupled with rising fuel prices, significantly impacted this contractor’s fuel costs. While fuel consumption remained constant, the cost-per-litre escalated, making efficient fuel management more critical than ever.

Fuel Theft On-site

The rise in fuel prices and the switch to white diesel made fuel theft more common in the industry, severely impacting sites’ budgets and operations due to the loss and replacement costs of the fuel and the resultant downtime. Like many contractors, Harringtons experienced small numbers of break-ins, highlighting the need for a more secure fuel management solution.

Fuel Status and Ordering Inaccuracy

Previously, Harringtons relied on a manual and unreliable fuel management system, involving manual or inaccurate fuel level readings. Site operatives had to make time to manually check fuel levels across multiple sites and on occasions the fuel required was ordered late, resulting in site downtime.

The Solution

Cost Saving

Harringtons have chosen the 3000-litre bowser option in their Fuel Eco-Hubs, allowing them to purchase diesel in bulk and so helping to reduce costs. The company’s 12 solar-powered Fuel Eco-Hubs are all equipped with the electronic tank level monitor extra, which triggers a fuel level alert when the fuel level in the tank drops below a pre-set fill percentage. Crucially, Harringtons has set up a trigger to automatically reorder from the fuel provider when the fuel level drops to a specified point, usually set at 20% or 30% full. This system increases site and office productivity, eliminating the need for manual fuel level checks and preventing errors in fuel ordering, reducing costs and improving the efficiency of fuel usage.

Secure Unit, Reducing Theft

The Fuel Eco-Hub is designed with enhanced security features, including internal double shoot bolts for the doors, multiple padlocked areas and secure bolts on the fuel bowser. Despite attempted break-ins on Harringtons sites, the Fuel Eco-Hub’s security measures have successfully prevented fuel theft.

“I would definitely recommend the Fuel Eco-Hub to other contractors. It has many benefits such as the increased fuel capacity, the safety and security element, and the management of the fuel on site has been a huge benefit to us.”

Dan Howlin | Project Manager, Harringtons Builders plc

Online System Improves Central Visibility

  • The Fuel Eco-Hub includes an online cloud-based portal that provides site data and usage reports to many members of the Harringtons team in multiple locations, providing:
  • Fuel Usage Report: detailed insights into usage patterns across different sites, producing usage and final reports.
  • Fuel Level Alert: automated fuel deliveries or delivery reminders based on set thresholds.
  • User Management: easy addition and removal of users, ensuring that only authorised personnel have access to fuelling operations, enhancing security and accountability.
  • Real-Time Usage Monitoring: managers with the fuel levels of all site tanks in real-time, providing a complete overview of the company’s fuel resources and usage.
  • Fuel Pump App: The app, connected to the fuel pump and online system, provides site workers individual ID logins, allowing them to fuel up vehicles and machinery, whilst tracking their usage and the usage for each machine. This ensures accurate recording of fuel dispensation and helps monitor individual and vehicle fuel consumption.

Increased Productivity

By centralising fuel and Ad-Blue supplies, the Fuel Eco-Hub significantly boosts on-site productivity. Operatives no longer need to manually check tank levels, freeing up time to focus on other essential tasks. Having a single area for fuel and ad-blue reduces the time staff spend searching for supplies around the site, streamlining operations.

Health & Safety

The Fuel Eco-Hub creates a safe and organised fuelling area, addressing several HSE concerns:

  • Safe Fuelling Area: The Fuel Eco-Hub provides a single designated safe area for fuelling.
  • Spill Kits, Storage & Fire Extinguisher: The unit includes spill kits and storage space for accessories, plus a fire extinguisher, ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations.
  • Fully Bunded, Double Walled Bowser: This feature prevents fuel leaks and spills, protecting the environment and reducing the risk of contamination.
  • Bund Tray: A removable tray facilitates easy clean up of any spills, reducing slip hazards and maintaining a safe working environment.

“The use of the fuel hub is a must. I think all the principal contractors that we have, and all our subcontractors should have these in place. Conquip has given a really good professional service to us on the transition to using their Fuel Eco-Hubs across our business.”

Scott Carr | Director of Health, Safety, Quality and Environment, Harringtons Builders plc


The Fuel Eco-Hub by Conquip Engineering Group has changed Harringtons’ fuel management strategy, to better support multiple sites and stakeholders across the business, to achieve fuel usage sustainability improvements, increased efficiency, better budgetary control and higher levels of security.  As further evidence of the impact from working with Conquip, this contractor plans to add the Hubs to each of their remaining sites in the future.

Take control of fuel management

For more on information on how it could support efficiency and sustainability improvements and achieve cost savings in your business, please email sales@cqegroup.com

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