Back Props

CantiDeck vertical props to spread the load of the crane loading platform.

The Conquip Back Props, for use with CantiDeck crane loading platforms, are extendable floor props made of either steel or aluminium, compliant with the relevant BS EN standards (BS EN 16031 or BS EN 1065).

They are designed for use as vertical props to spread the load of the crane loading platform throughout a structure if necessary in the given environment.



The Conquip Back Props, for use with CantiDeck crane loading platforms, are extendable floor props made of either steel or aluminium, compliant with the relevant BS EN standards (BS EN 16031 or BS EN 1065). They are designed for use as vertical props to spread the load of the crane loading platform throughout a structure if necessary in the given environment.

  • Strong design with high load bearing capacity.
  • Drop out latch mechanism to prevent the inner tube sliding out of the outer tube.
  • Thread geometry which ensures they are easy to release even when under high load.
  • Galvanised steel or robust aluminium design.
  • A clear gap when prop is pushed in to ensure that the operator’s hands do not become trapped.