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XXL Lifting Cage

The XXL Lifting Cage is a large capacity lifting cage designed as a safe and efficient method for transporting materials or equipment in a singular lift. Solid steel sides and a large working load limit allow the cage to transport heavy, awkward, or ‘oversized’ items to high or low locations on-site, in just one lift. With a large Working Load Limit of 5000kg, the XXL Lifting Cage provides a ‘one-stop’ lifting solution for a wide range of materials, equipment, and machinery.




  • Large access gates ensure access to all available areas within the cage.
  • Ramped access for loading with pallet trucks or sack barrows.
  • Solid sides allow any material type to be transported without risk of it falling out.
  • Tie down points ensure heavier loads and machinery can be secured.
  • Sizeable internal area able to fit up to 6 standard (1200 x 1000 mm) pallets.
  • Large Working Load Limit of 5000kg.
  • Fork pockets for easy manoeuvre across short distances and storage.


  • Efficient as fewer lifts required to transport materials and equipment, increasing productivity and reducing loadout time – one lift plan for multiple lifts.
  • Reduced number of lifts saves on crane time, limiting downtime and improving logistics on-site.
  • No site operatives required to sling or ‘choke’ items as loose items are fully contained within the cage, improving the safety of lifting operations.
  • Multiple cages can be stacked when not in use, saving space on-site or in the yard.
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CA124AL-10824 4140mm 2335mm 1310mm 1110kg 5000kg
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  • Large capacity lifting cage for transporting materials or equipment in a singular lift
  • With solid steel sides and a working load limit of 5000kg
  • Available for purchase and hire
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				[{"name":"Alton Office & Depot","lat":"51.15309814255476","lng":"-0.9581505761782921","address":"Conquip Engineering Group, Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate, Alton, Hampshire. GU34 2UD","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Conquip Engineering Group Unit 4 Waterbrook Estate Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Alton-Walk-Around-JUNE-2024-V2.mp4"},{"name":"Stoke-on-Trent Depot","lat":"52.9939118927483","lng":"-2.1529522178194944","address":"Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. ST4 3ES","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Oldfields Business Park, Birrell St Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire ST4 3ES","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Stoke-Walk-Around-FEB-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Teesside Depot","lat":"54.52865482229032","lng":"-1.3568564015621263","address":"Wass Way, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees. TS16 0RG","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Wass Way Eaglescliffe Stockton-on-Tees TS16 0RG","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Teesside-Walk-Around-DEC-2023.mp4"},{"name":"Taunton Depot","lat":"50.97690361084993","lng":"-3.1963650452373593","address":"Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington, Somerset. TA21 9RF","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Foxmoor Business Park, Foxmoor Business Park Road, Wellington Somerset TA21 9RF","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Taunton-Walk-Around-JAN-2024.mp4"},{"name":"Norwich Depot","lat":"52.44683997380996","lng":"0.8947750260086867","address":"Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich, Norfolk. NR16 2RL","link":"https:\/\/www.google.com\/maps\/dir\/?api=1&destination=Camp Farm, Roudham Road, Norwich Norfolk NR16 2RL","contact":"0333 300 3470","mail":"sales@cqegroup.com","reference_text":"Take the virtual tour","reference_url":"https:\/\/cqegroup.com\/uk\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/5\/2024\/07\/Norwich-Walk-Around-MAY-2024.mp4"}]