Davit Fall Arrest System

A means of rescue for workers in trenches and confined spaces.

The Conquip Davit Fall Arrest System is a simple, robust, removable, cantilevered fall arrest system designed to be fitted to trench shoring systems, including trench box systems and large trench sheets. It provides a suitable means of rescue for those working in trenches and confined places.

The system comprises of a Davit Clamp, a two-part Davit arm, a Fall Arrest Recovery Device and the relevant brackets to hold the recovery device in place.


Product features & benefits

  • Provides a suitable means of rescue which satisfies the requirement of the Confined Spaces Regulation (1997).
  • Lightweight and durable.
  • Fall Arrest Recovery Device has a 15-metre galvanised steel cable on the pulley.
  • Compatible with Conquip Trench Shoring systems, including Trench Boxes and Trench Sheets.