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Concrete Blowout Attachment

A simple attachment fitted to Column Skips to allow safe concrete line blowout.

The Conquip Concrete Blowout Attachment that can be added to any Conquip Column Skip at time or purchase or can be retrofitted to most models by Conquip. Recognised by UK contractors as a safe, best practice method for concrete blowout, particularly of the concrete pump placing boom.

In addition to the safety benefit, the concrete blowout attachment allows you to get the most out of a pour, as the remaining concrete in the pump line can be blown out for use elsewhere on site.



The Conquip Concrete Blowout Attachment that can be added to any Conquip Column Skip at time or purchase or can be retrofitted to most models by Conquip. Recognised by UK contractors as a safe, best practice method for concrete blowout, particularly of the concrete pump placing boom.

  • Safe, recognized best practice method of concrete line blowout.
  • The concrete blowout attachment allows you to get the most out of a pour, after the concrete from the placing boom is blown out into the skip it can either be used to complete the pour or for use elsewhere on site.
  • Designed to suit the majority of placing boom pipe diameters, however specific sizes can be manufactured to suit requirements.
  • The Concrete Blowout Attachment can either be fitted to all sizes of Conquip column skips at point of purchase or retrofitted to older models.
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260mm 220mm 250mm 6kg 148mm
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  • A simple attachment fitted to Column Skips to allow safe concrete line blowout
  • A safe, best practice method for concrete blowout, getting the most out of every pour
  • Available for purchase only
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